Latest Past Events

MS20: 20 years of Funk, Family, and Friends

CLEMENTINE 153 South Main Street, Harrisonburg

Midnight Spaghetti achieves a milestone as the result of Funk, Family, and Friends. We have done it our way for 20 years.We are grateful for everyone who has made it […]



Balche Laguna 411, Las Gaviotas,, Mazatlán

Midnight Spaghetti will be donating all proceeds from the event to local charitable causes, the local artists sharing the bill. This event is part of our vacation, and an expression of respect and love for the charm of Mexico.


MS plays Lovedraft’s Brewing

Lovedrafts Brewing Co. 165 Gateway Dr, Mechanicsburg

Lovedraft’s Brewing Co. 165 Gateway Dr, Mechanicsburg, Pa 17050